Frequently Asked Questions
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General Bond Questions
- What is a bond?
- Why did Cleburne ISD call for a bond?
- What is included in the 2025 Cleburne ISD bond?
- What was the process to develop the bond package?
- How will students be impacted by this bond?
- Does Cleburne ISD include contingency costs in project costs for each project?
- Why does the ballot say "THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE"?
- What is the plan for “The Rock” once the new stadium is completed?
- Where will the new Cooke Elementary and Gerard Elementary be located?
- What is the plan for the old Cooke Elementary and Gerard Elementary once the new campuses open?
- What about the projects that were reviewed but not included in the final proposal and plan?
- When was the last Cleburne ISD bond? What was included?
- Why was the A.D. Wheat Agricultural Center not addressed during the 2021 bond?
- Why was Coleman not apart of this bond?
- How can I learn more?
What is a bond?
Why did Cleburne ISD call for a bond?
What is included in the 2025 Cleburne ISD bond?
What was the process to develop the bond package?
How will students be impacted by this bond?
Does Cleburne ISD include contingency costs in project costs for each project?
Why does the ballot say "THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE"?
What is the plan for “The Rock” once the new stadium is completed?
Where will the new Cooke Elementary and Gerard Elementary be located?
What is the plan for the old Cooke Elementary and Gerard Elementary once the new campuses open?
What about the projects that were reviewed but not included in the final proposal and plan?
When was the last Cleburne ISD bond? What was included?
Why was the A.D. Wheat Agricultural Center not addressed during the 2021 bond?
Why was Coleman not apart of this bond?
How can I learn more?
Tax & Finance Questions
- What is a bond election and how does Cleburne ISD repay its debt?
- How are school districts funded?
- How can bond funds be used?
- How much is the Cleburne ISD proposed bond package?
- Why are there multiple propositions in a school bond election?
- Is there a tax rate increase?
- How will this bond affect my taxes? What if I am 65 or older?