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Secondary Language Acquisition Courses

UNDER CONSTRUCTION  Documents will be posted as updated and WILL continue to have information added. 

Middle School Language Acquisition: Year at a Glance

Unit Overviews (Staff Only)

Unit 1, (24 Days) Our Heritage

Unit 2, (27 Days) Challenges and Opportunities

Unit 3, (30 Days) Our Rights

Unit 4, (30 Days) Disasters

Unit 5, (30 Days) Journeys

Unit 6, (30 Days) Transformation


High School Language Acquisition (ELDA): Year at a Glance

Unit Overviews (Staff Only)

Unit 1, (24 Days) American Culture

Unit 2, (27 Days) Powerful Language

Unit 3, (30 Days) Everyday Math

Unit 4, (30 Days) Our Rights

Unit 5, ( 30 Days) Science and Technology

Unit 6, (30 Days) Making a Difference

ELAR Vertical Alignment Document


Secondary Literacy Model Instructional Guide  (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

CISD Diagnostics and Progress Monitoring Resources and Windows

CISD Secondary Aligned Reading List

 Spelling Inventory