Doing Business with Cleburne ISD
The Cleburne Independent School District (Cleburne ISD) is proud to announce a new partnership with Public Purchase, a web based eProcurement service. In order to begin, or continue to, receive bid notifications as a current vendor you must register with this new system. Registration is FREE to vendors.
Please register with Public Purchase at:
See document below for vendor registration procedures.
Public Purchase Registration Instructions
For current bids/proposals on Public Purchase:
Cleburne ISD, as well as all other school districts in the State of Texas, is governed by the state competitive bid law, Texas Education Code (TEC) 44.031.
When CISD buys more than $50k of "like items" over the period of a fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), we are required to either bid (bid specs, formal advertisement, evaluation & award), or purchase through a purchasing cooperative. A purchasing cooperative typically goes through the same bid steps in a process to award bids/select vendors as a member of their cooperative.
In defining "like items", the TEC considers items like technology (computers, printers, peripherals, network items) athletic supplies (helmets, workout gear, equipment) to be a good example of the intent of "like items". Annually, CISD bids for athletic supplies, classroom/office supplies, custodial supplies, fuel supplier, property/liability insurance and copy paper.
CISD is currently a member of the following purchasing cooperatives:
- Choice Partners/HCDE
- CTPA (Central Texas Purchasing Alliance)
- E & I Cooperative Services
- EPIC 6 (Region 6)
- EPCNT (Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas)
- ESC, Region 11 (Multi Regional Purchasing Coop)
- ESC, Region 19 (Allied States Cooperative)
- GoodBuy (Region 2)
- HGACBuy (Houston-Galveston Area Council)
- NCPA (North Cooperative Purchasing Alliance)
- PACE (Purchasing Association of Cooperative Entities)
- TASB Buyboard
- TCPN (Omnia Partners)
- TIPS (The Interlocal Purchasing System)
- TXMAS (Texas Multiple Award Schedule Program)
- U.S. Communities (Omnia Partners)
To become a vendor of one of these cooperatives, here are links to the respective coops:
- https://www.choicepartners.org/
- https://www.txctpa.org
- https://www.eandi.org/
- https://www.esc6.net
- http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Page/626
- https://www.goodbuy.esc2.net
- http://www.mrpctexas.com/#!vendors
- http://www.alliedstatescooperative.com/
- https://www.hgacbuy.org/
- https://www.ncpa.us
- http://www.pace.esc20.net
- https://www.omniapartners.com
- https://www.buyboard.com/
- http://www.nationalipa.org/Pages/default.aspx
- https://www.tips-usa.com/
- https://www.comptroller.texas.gov/purchasing/
By joining one of these cooperatives, you will immediately become eligible to be a CISD vendor, and will not have to wait on the bid process, which typically begins in the spring of each year.
If you need any assistance, please contact the Business Department at 1118.