Flyer Approval Process
If you are a community organization that works with children and you would like to request a flyer go home with CISD students, please refer to the process below.
At least two weeks prior to your event, email or call 817-202-1183
explaining your organization,
what the event is you would like to share with our families, and
at which campus/es you would like your flyer distributed.
Attach your flyer to the email.
A Communication’s Department person will call or email telling you
if your flyer is approved and,
the number of sets of flyers you will need according to the number of campuses you requested to send home flyers. (Example: Adams: 16 sets of 25 flyers)
After approval, you may pick up signed approval forms at Central Office, 505 N. Ridgeway.
You are responsible for taking the flyers to each of your requested campuses only along with one of the approval forms for each campus.
Thank you so much for your interest in including our CISD families in your organization’s event. We want to work with our Cleburne community any way we can, if possible.