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Cleburne ISD Administration

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Long Range Facilities Maintenance Plan

Since we know that routine and unexpected maintenance demands will arise due to aging facilities and systems.   Cleburne ISD must proactively develop and implement a plan for dealing with the inevitability of the unexpected. Consequently, we must plan to meet the challenges of effective facilities maintenance. It is simply too big of a job to be addressed in a haphazard fashion. The consequences of not planning can affect teaching and learning, student and staff health, day-to-day building operations, and the long-range fiscal outlook of our district.  Attached is a long-range maintenance plan for many of the district's facility related items.  This plan was developed using industry standard life cycle estimates for equipment and building systems. 

Facilities maintenance doesn't occur in a vacuum. All grounds and buildings belong to Cleburne ISD, not our maintenance department. The maintenance department's job is to ensure that facilities and grounds are in adequate condition to support the mission of the district. Therefore, day-to-day maintenance activities must be guided by a district facilities maintenance plan that is informed by and aligned with a larger organizational plan. Without a coordinated plan, it is impossible to know whether day-to-day maintenance operations support current and future organizational priorities.

There is no question that maintaining our facilities cost money, but regular facilities maintenance produces savings by:

  • Decreasing equipment replacement costs over time
  • Decreasing renovation costs because fewer large-scale repair jobs are needed
  • Decreasing overhead costs (such as utility bills) because of increased system efficiency 

Effective school facility maintenance planning can:

  • Improve the cleanliness, orderliness, and safety of Cleburne ISD's facilities
  • Reduce the operational costs and life-cycle cost of our buildings
  • Helps us as a district to deal with limited resources by identifying facilities priorities proactively rather than reactively
  • Extend the useful life of our buildings

Comprehensive Maintenance Plan for CISD District Facilities (Created November 2015)

Click here for a download of the Long Range Facilities Maintenance Plan