General Bus Rider Information
The district will only transport students that are eligible for state funding or required by law. Free transportation is provided for students living more than two (2) miles from their individual campus by the nearest “practical route” as defined by State statute. The nearest practical route is the nearest traveled “public road” which may or may not be the road used by the school bus. The District does not operate buses on private roads or drives. Public roads that are soft surface, in disrepair or obstructed will not be accessed.
A student must reside in the attendance zone of the school they attend. Eligibility is determined by the student’s legal address. The exception would be certain elementary students required by the District to attend a specific program at another campus or students transferred because of class size restrictions at the home campus. The transferred student must still meet the distance requirement and reside 2 or miles from the campus of attendance to be eligible for transportation.
Service is provided from “authorized stops on a segment of an authorized route”. Bus students are to board and exit only at their authorized stop based on their legal address. A student can only be assigned to one bus and one bus stop. The drop-off is to be the same as the pick-up location. Eligibility is continually audited year round. When a student is found to be ineligible, notification will be made as soon as possible. A grace period will be allowed for parents to locate alternate arrangements.
Open-enrollment students are not eligible for transportation services and shall not be transported. An open-enrollment student is one residing outside of the district or a student that is voluntarily attending a campus other than the campus designated for the attendance zone for where the student legally resides.
All eligible students for transportation services must be pre-registered and approved through the Transportation Department and have on file with the driver a properly completed bus card. A student will not be allowed to board a bus without providing a properly filled out card. The driver will provide a card the first time a student rides a bus. New students are to be pre-registered through the Transportation Department before service can begin.
Registration or route information may be obtained by calling the Cleburne ISD Transportation Department at 817-202-2190. If you contact the Transportation Department by phone, please request the name of the person with whom you speak. This will help to expedite follow-up contacts, if necessary.
Bus Rider Information
- New Service or Change in Service
- Special Request
- Pre-K/Kindergarten
- Special Needs Students
- Accidents or Emergencies
- Bus Evacuation
- Bus Stops
- Discipline Procedures
- General Procedures
- Responsibility