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Cleburne ISD Administration

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Family Engagement

National Family Engagement Month

Dr. Coby Kirkpatrick

Dewayne Burns

Zulema Segura

Mayor Scott Cain

Maria Ongra


Cleburne ISD will establish meaningful and effective partnerships with all families by creating a mindset and environment that fosters relationships, to equip and inform families, in order to ensure the success of ALL CISD students.


In Cleburne ISD, we believe

  • Parents are their child’s first teacher
  • Parents are their child’s most influential factor
  • Parents know their child better than anyone else
  • Children are more likely to succeed academically if teachers and parents partner in their education
  • Family support for their child and for the school is critical for student success


The purpose of Cleburne ISD’s Family Engagement Program is to partner with families for the success of their students. Our campus Family Liaisons, administrators, teachers, and staff want to come along side families to assist, inform, and equip them to help students achieve to the best of their ability. That success is multiplied if schools and parents work together with a student’s best interest in mind. We want Families to be Actively and Meaningfully Engaged…..FAME. We are Better Together!

Cleburne ISD Family Engagement Policy