Students will return to the inside of the building if outside. Staff will take everyone indoors, lock all outside doors, stay on high alert, account for all students and staff and carry on with classroom procedures as usual.
Students will follow the instructions from an adult to guarantee the safest option for all students. Adults will follow the ALICE training protocol (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, & Evacuate).
Students will follow the instructions from an adult to guarantee the safest option for all students. Adults will follow the ALICE training protocol (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, & Evacuate).
Students will leave stuff behind if required to get to safety. Staff will lead students to evacuation locations, account for students and staff, and notify administration of any missing, extra, or injured individuals.
Students will use safety strategies to remain safe in hazardous situations. Adults will lead safety strategy selection, account for students and staff, and notify administration of any missing, extra, or injured individuals.